Now, on this day, I wish I could take it all back. I wish he were my little baby again. He is growing up too fast, getting too big. He thinks he knows everything, and he probably does. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me smile on days that I think I cannot. When he tells me that he loves me, even if it is just to get out out of doing studies, it melts my heart. When I go to pick him up from his class at the Y, and he sees me and starts hollering "Mama!!!" and throws himself in my arms, it is the best feeling ever. I love this sweet little boy more than anything on earth. I would gladly give up everything, just to make him happy and smile. So this is what love is all about.
Happy Birthday my sweet little boy! You are the best and your mama loves you with all her heart!

That's one good lookin' youngan'. He looks like his Papa! LOL!