Well, my little boy is not so little anymore. His birthday is in a few weeks (Feb 5) and he will be 6 big ones! Wahhhh!!! While searching for a great coupon to help me save money on this birthday party, I came across a 10/$30 coupon for Party City! Click here for the link. The coupon expires Feb. 1. Now if I could just find great deals for the cake, and a Pump-It-Up coupon, not to mention great coupons for Star Wars toys!
He has decided since he is such a big boy, he wants a pirate cake and a pirate party...with Star Wars accents. This should be fun!
Happy Shopping!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Publix 1 penny deal...
Well, okay...I admit it. I have no life. Fun for me is waiting patiently all day for the mail and not so patiently for it to be Publix's penny day. Sad isn't it?!? Every Wednesday, Publix will have a coupon in their Wednesday circular, for a penny item. It is usually some household staple, like peanut butter, bleach, milk and so on. I don't know why I get so excited about the stinking penny item, except maybe for the fact that I seriously have no life. Well, after anticipating all day about what the penny item was (and you can find out early by going to hotcouponworld.com) I was finally able to go to the store around 6pm last night....only to find the penny item was....wait for it.....wait.....
paper towels.
Yep, you read that right. A full day of excitement and anticipation over a roll of stinkin' paper towels?! Somethings got to give. Somethings got to change. I need a life.
To make the trip even more exciting, I decided to take Steve and Sid along. It adds to the sense of accomplishment, if I take these two along and can get out of the store without spending an arm and a leg. Well, I left with all my arms and legs, but I am typing with only three fingers! It seems my five year old, the sweet, kind, loving son that he is, has developed a taste for fresh crab. Not the frozen stuff, mind you, but the fresh, straight out of the ocean kind. The kind that costs 15.99 a pound. He had heard me earlier tell his daddy that something was cheaper at Bi-Lo, so when he asked for crab, and got a BIG NO...he innocently asked me..."is it cheaper at Bi-Lo? Let's go to Bi-Lo next!" All the way home he was telling us that we were going the wrong way, Bi-Lo is over there!!!"
Remind me to stay out of all stores with my little boy! Until next time.....Happy Shopping!!!
paper towels.
Yep, you read that right. A full day of excitement and anticipation over a roll of stinkin' paper towels?! Somethings got to give. Somethings got to change. I need a life.
To make the trip even more exciting, I decided to take Steve and Sid along. It adds to the sense of accomplishment, if I take these two along and can get out of the store without spending an arm and a leg. Well, I left with all my arms and legs, but I am typing with only three fingers! It seems my five year old, the sweet, kind, loving son that he is, has developed a taste for fresh crab. Not the frozen stuff, mind you, but the fresh, straight out of the ocean kind. The kind that costs 15.99 a pound. He had heard me earlier tell his daddy that something was cheaper at Bi-Lo, so when he asked for crab, and got a BIG NO...he innocently asked me..."is it cheaper at Bi-Lo? Let's go to Bi-Lo next!" All the way home he was telling us that we were going the wrong way, Bi-Lo is over there!!!"
Remind me to stay out of all stores with my little boy! Until next time.....Happy Shopping!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Well, things seem to be pretty slow around here. The deals are slow this week! Just taking a quick break from homeschooling my little devil...er, I mean, the sweetest little boy in the world! :o)
I'm sure there are some great deals out there...somewhere? I'll be on the look-out! Until then....
Happy Shopping!
I'm sure there are some great deals out there...somewhere? I'll be on the look-out! Until then....
Happy Shopping!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Free Wet-Ones Wipes at Walgreens this week!
Starting today, January 17 thru Saturday, January 23; Wet Ones Wipes will be 2/$4 and you will get a $1 Register Reward. Go here to print take a pledge to print $1.50/1 coupon. Here is the scenario: Buy 2/$4, use 2/$1.50 coupons, pay $1 and get back $1 Register Reward! What a great deal!!
Happy Shopping!!!
Happy Shopping!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Good Thing...

Today a great thing happened! Just out of the blue while working on school stuff, my little boy looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said; "I love you, mom." For no reason at all! I can count on one hand how many times in the last six years that has happened. My little boy, for whatever reason, just doesn't say it first. Maybe it's because I tell him all the time. He's great about answering with an, "I love you, too". But hardly ever does he say it first. What an awesome day!
Here's a picture of my sweet little boy. He will be six soon! How the time flies...I can remember when he was just a baby wishing for him to grow up a little and quit crying all the time. Now, I'd give anything just to have him back as my baby once more.
If you're a Gymboree fan like I am, you probably have some of these!!! Don't forget to redeem them, it starts today! My little boy is a big fan of "soft pants"...these gymbucks will come in handy to buy him a few more pairs! Happy Shopping!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Free 8X10 Collage at Walgreens Today Only!
If you're a fan of Walgreens on FaceBook, you can enter FANFREE at checkout and get a free 8X10 Collage at walgreens! Pick it up in the store and you don't even have to pay for shipping!!!
Publix Penny Item and Great Deal on Trash Bags!
Publix is my favorite grocery store. They have great BOGO (Buy One Get One Free) and every Wednesday they have a penny item. Usually, it's a house hold staple; bread, peanut butter, tea...you get the idea. Today the penny item was Publix Brand Bleach. I was pretty happy because that was on my list!
This week Hefty Trash Bags are BOGO. So you'll get 2/$6.49 or $3.25 each. To make the deal sweeter, they had .55 off peelies on the boxes! You get a box of 45 Hefty trash bags for $2.69!! I bought 4 boxes and I'm thinking of going and getting more. What a great deal to stock up on!
Happy Shopping!
This week Hefty Trash Bags are BOGO. So you'll get 2/$6.49 or $3.25 each. To make the deal sweeter, they had .55 off peelies on the boxes! You get a box of 45 Hefty trash bags for $2.69!! I bought 4 boxes and I'm thinking of going and getting more. What a great deal to stock up on!
Happy Shopping!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Glidden/Home Depot Rebate
Stop by the Home Depot between January 14th and January 18th and save $5.00 off one gallon or $20.00 off a five gallon pail of any color Glidden paint! Go here to print the rebate form! Happy painting and if you really love to paint...feel free to stop by my house and help me!
Oatmeal Deal at Walgreens!
If you like oatmeal, like my little boy does, Walgreen's has a pretty good deal going on this week. Quaker oatmeal is 2/$3.00. Go here and print the $1.00 off coupon. Be sure you purchase two boxes and get each box for 50 cents! This is a great deal! Hope this helps someone! Happy shopping! :o)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Cheap Brita Water Pitcher!
Lowe's (the hardware store, not the grocery store) has a great deal going on right now. Their slim-line Brita water pitcher is on sale for $8.00. You can go to this site http://www.filterforgood.com/ and get a $5.00 coupon to make the pitcher only $3.00!!! What a deal! You do have to take the pledge to get the coupon to print. I got a few coupons from a House Party I did a few months ago, so I plan on getting some for my daddy. He loves to travel and has numerous RV's that these should be perfect for! Get 'em before they're gone! If I can ever get my hubby out the door, I'm going to go and get mine! I'll post pictures when I get back!
By the way....if you are reading this, Papa...Bo wants to know when you're coming back! ;o) Love ya!
By the way....if you are reading this, Papa...Bo wants to know when you're coming back! ;o) Love ya!
House Party!!!
Okay...I thought I'd tell you a little bit about the fun things I do. It's true, I don't have much of a life. We moved to Tennessee from Arkansas a little over three years ago and the best thing about living here are all the great deals. But, I digress....I joined a great site called House Party. (go to www.houseparty.com to sign up) It works like this: you go to the site and sign up, then you look at all the "parties" coming up and apply to host a party. If you are chosen, they will send you an e-mail letting you know, but you have to confirm that you will host the party quickly...they only have a limited number of spots. Next you invite friends, the house party site has an quick and easy way to invite all your friends thru e-mail. Now you sit back and wait for your party pack to arrive and have your party. It's really a pretty simple process and I've hosted great parties; such as a Ziploc party where they sent me over $100 worth of Ziploc supplies, a Rowenta party where they sent me a Rowenta iron valued at over $150.00, a Green Works party and finally today I'm hosting a Fun, Fit and Guilt Free party. They sent me a great work-out game for our Wii called Your Shape and some great Jello coupons. It's a site and you can host some great parties! Enjoy!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Free Irish Spring Soap at CVS
Last Sunday there was a coupon for Irish Spring in the paper. The coupon was for $1.00 off...this week CVS has Irish Spring for .99, so it's a .01 money maker!!! I love free things!
Give-A-Way at Nicole's Nickels
One of my favorite blogger is Nicole at www.nicolesnickels.com . Right now she has a great give-a-way going on for a Bijoux in a Box. It's a super cute bracelet that you can make yourself. Nicole always has great bargains and deals so go and check out her site!
Aquafina Deal at Walgreens!
Here's another great deal at Walgreen's this week. Buy 4 packs of water to ($20.00 worth), then use the coupon in the Walgreen's flyer bringing your total down to $15.96...then get $10.00 in Register Rewards back. It's like getting 4 cases of water for $5.96!! What a great deal! Gotta love all this money you're saving! (Or as my daddy says...spending! LOL!)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
$10.00 Johnson and Johnson Rebate
There is an incredible rebate offer from Johnson & Johnson's right now at www.coupons.com
Purchase $30.00 worth of products from two or more of the following brands between January 10 and February 5, 2010, and get $10.00 back! There are coupons for the items at
www.coupons.com for lots of these products, too! The brands and coupon amounts are:
$2.50/1 Aveeno Nourish Hair Care Product
$2.00/1 Aveeno Baby or Baby Care Product
$2.00/1 Aveeno Facial Care Product
$2.00/1 Clean and Clear Product
$3.00/1 Roc Skin Care Product
$2.00/1 Purpose Skin Care Product
Buy one Free Clean and Clear Advantage Blackhead Eraser Exfoliating Cleanser and get an Exfoliating Refill Pack Free (up to $6.99)
And the best...$2.00 off 1 Lubriderm Body Lotion, Cream or Ointment. (See next post, Walgreens has a great deal on these next week!)
So...print out the rebate offer, your coupons and go shopping! This should work out for some great bargains! Happy Shopping!!
Purchase $30.00 worth of products from two or more of the following brands between January 10 and February 5, 2010, and get $10.00 back! There are coupons for the items at
www.coupons.com for lots of these products, too! The brands and coupon amounts are:
$2.50/1 Aveeno Nourish Hair Care Product
$2.00/1 Aveeno Baby or Baby Care Product
$2.00/1 Aveeno Facial Care Product
$2.00/1 Clean and Clear Product
$3.00/1 Roc Skin Care Product
$2.00/1 Purpose Skin Care Product
Buy one Free Clean and Clear Advantage Blackhead Eraser Exfoliating Cleanser and get an Exfoliating Refill Pack Free (up to $6.99)
And the best...$2.00 off 1 Lubriderm Body Lotion, Cream or Ointment. (See next post, Walgreens has a great deal on these next week!)
So...print out the rebate offer, your coupons and go shopping! This should work out for some great bargains! Happy Shopping!!
Walgreens Lubriderm Lotion Deal Next Week
Next week, starting Sunday, January 10, Walgreens is going to have a great deal on Lubriderm lotion! The 6oz. bottle will be on sale 2 for $5.69. You can use two of the $2.00 off 1 coupon found at http://www.coupons.com/ and if you are lucky enough to find Diabetes and You book (I found this booklet near the pharmacy in my local Wal greens) there will be a $1.00 off coupon for Lubriderm Lotion...you'll only have to pay .69 for two bottles of lotion! What a great deal!
CVS has a great deal going on this month if you like Soy Joy Bars. Look for the box with 6 bars in it. The box is $6.00 and you get $6.00 in ECB's (Extra Care Bucks). You can do the deal six times...so for an initial investment of only $6.00 you can get 36 Soy Joy bars and walk away with $6.00 in extra care bucks!
The great thing about ECB's (Extra Care Bucks) is that you can roll them. Simply look for something else that will give you extra care bucks. Or, if you can't find anything that you really like, you can buy anything with your ECB's! I love CVS!!
I really don't like the taste of Soy Joy bars, but my daddy, who lives in Arkansas absolutely LOVES them. He will be 78 next month and he hates for me to spend any money on him. I can give him six boxes of Soy Joy bars that really didn't cost me much at all! What a great birthday present!!!
The great thing about ECB's (Extra Care Bucks) is that you can roll them. Simply look for something else that will give you extra care bucks. Or, if you can't find anything that you really like, you can buy anything with your ECB's! I love CVS!!
I really don't like the taste of Soy Joy bars, but my daddy, who lives in Arkansas absolutely LOVES them. He will be 78 next month and he hates for me to spend any money on him. I can give him six boxes of Soy Joy bars that really didn't cost me much at all! What a great birthday present!!!
A Quick Introduction!
I am new to the blogging world, but I have a lot to share. I am a mother to the best little boy in the world! His name is Sidney and he is five. We recently pulled him out of private school, where he attended kindergarten and started homeschooling him. It is an amazing experience! It is so much fun seeing him learn new things every day. He is my best friend, and such a unique little boy. At times, this blog will touch on our homeschooling experiences.
I am also a bargain shopper. This started about six years ago when I was pregnant with my little boy. I felt like I needed to do more to "earn" my keep and contribute to our growing family. I love looking for deals and finding the lowest prices on things. It is so much fun!!! If you are looking for great deals, start here...I'll help you find them!
I am originally from Arkansas and have lived in Tennessee for a little over three years. I am trying to get back where I belong...in Arkansas. There are a lot of GREAT stores in Tennessee, and I'll post the deals as I can find them.
Thanks for reading!
I am also a bargain shopper. This started about six years ago when I was pregnant with my little boy. I felt like I needed to do more to "earn" my keep and contribute to our growing family. I love looking for deals and finding the lowest prices on things. It is so much fun!!! If you are looking for great deals, start here...I'll help you find them!
I am originally from Arkansas and have lived in Tennessee for a little over three years. I am trying to get back where I belong...in Arkansas. There are a lot of GREAT stores in Tennessee, and I'll post the deals as I can find them.
Thanks for reading!
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